Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/84

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the desired attention at the beginning of the story. The place of the event is generally indicated by the date line in telegraph news, and is not played up in local news stories except in unusual cases. News stories should not begin with "At 116 Western Avenue," "In the lobby of the Manhattan Theatre," "On the corner of Williams and Chestnut streets," "Near the New York Central Station," for rarely is the exact location the most important point. Peculiar or important causes, results, or circumstances are likely to be the best features, because, as has been said, unusual, curious, new phases of activities have the greatest interest for most readers. How each of the different essential elements of the lead may be given emphasis in the initial position is shown in the following examples:

The Time

At 3:30 this afternoon the session of the legislature came to an end when the senate adjourned sine die.

The Place

In the lion's cage of Barnum's circus was performed last night the marriage ceremony uniting Miss Ada Rene, trapezist, and Arthur Hunt, keeper of the lions, Justice of the Peace Henry Duplain officiating from a safe distance outside the cage.

The Name

Governor Wilkins denied the rumor today that he will call a special session of the legislature to consider the defects in the primary election law passed at the last session.

The Event

Fire completely destroyed the four-story warehouse of the Marburg Furniture Co., 914 Oxford Street, today, causing a loss of $30,000, covered by insurance.