Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/89

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While a surgeon was dressing a bullet wound in his arm at Williamstown Hospital, George Johnson, colored, was placed under arrest by Detectives Gilchrist and Hennessey, charged with shooting and seriously wounding Frank F. Taylor, a colored barber, 117 Washington Place.

A substantive clause as subject of the first sentence of the story is often convenient, particularly for an indirect quotation in reports of speeches, interviews, testimony, etc. The different forms available are shown in the following leads:


How the Standard Oil Company grew from a firm with $4,000 capital in 1867 to a $2,000,000 corporation in 1875, was told this morning by John D. Rockefeller in the course of the direct examination conducted by his attorney, John G. Milburn, in the suit for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust before Special Examiner Franklin Ferris in the Custom House.


Why the United States needs an income tax, was explained by Senator William E. Borah in his address before the Progressive Republican Club in the Auditorium last night.


That the United States government should operate a number of coal mines in Alaska and that it should take as its share approximately 25 per cent of the net profits on all coal development by private lease on the public domain in the territory, was the plan offered today by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, a member of the territories committee which is hearing the Alaska railroad testimony.