Page:Newspaper writing and editing.djvu/99

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one of the notes of the $173,000 in government money that disappeared from the Chicago subtreasury two years ago, he notified Capt. Thomas I. Porter and Peter Drautzberg of the secret service bureau.

The number of the bill was sent to the treasury department at Washington. It is not known whether the government possesses the numbers of the $1,000 bills which were missed from the subtreasury.


"Shall we shoot old preachers?"

Several aged ministers attending the Rock River conference at the First Methodist Church of Evanston sat bolt upright in their seats last evening when Rev. George P. Eckman, editor of the Christian Advocate of New York, asked the question. They blinked hard and in unison when he repeated it.

"Shall we shoot old preachers?"

A general sigh of relief was heard when he offered his explanation.

"We might as well shoot them," he said, "as let them starve on the pitiably small incomes which some of them have. Shooting them would be more humane. They have served long and useful lives. Why should their last days be spent in want and suffering?"

Rev. Eckman was the principal speaker at the anniversary of the Society for Superannuated Preachers. He dwelt at length on the increasing hardships that confront the preacher who has grown too old to perform active service.


Who is responsible for the collapse of the Pearl Theatre in Western avenue?

Who permitted the construction of a roof which the results show was a menace to the lives of many people