Page:Newspapers of Washington Territory from WHQ July 1922.djvu/11

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Newspapers of Washington Territory

only written two articles began a newspaper career. He bought McCully's interest on May 17, 1879, and by July 12 he was sole owner of the paper. He continued as editor and publisher until February 10, 1883, when he sold to E. T. Wilson and F. M. McCully, who had been proprietor of the Pomeroy Republican. The price of the paper at this transfer was $5000. Mr. Wilson became sole owner and, while continuing the weekly, he began to issue the Daily Chronicle on April 7, 1883. It was a five-column, folio, evening paper selling for nine dollars a year. On September 30, 1884, the evening paper turned its column rules and appeared in full mourning and across the top appeared the words: "Dead—Not gone before, but gone behind." The weekly was continued and on May 2, 1885, Mr. Wilson sold a half interest to F. W. Agatz who had been serving as business manager for sixteen months. On September 4, 1886, the paper was sold to O. C. White and J. K. Rainwater for $6000. In June, 1887, the plant was destroyed by fire. A new equipment was secured and Mr. White became sole proprietor on October 1, 1888. He sold a half interest to R. E. Peabody in March, 1890, and in October sold the remaining interest, the new firm being R. E. Peabody & Co. Mr. White had been serving as Secretary of the Territory and became the first Public Printer, under Statehood. (History of Southeastern Washington pages 809–812.)

Inlander, had a changeful career for about ten years. On August 4, 1882, Twyman O. Abbott established the Democratic State Journal to take the place of the burned out News. In August, 1884, J. E. Edmiston, former editor of the News became editor of the new paper. On November 8, 1884, the paper passed into the hands of W. O. and G. N. Matzger who changed the name to Inlander and changed its politics to Republican. A . B. Thompson bought the paper on August 1, 1886, for $1500 and put it back into the Democratic column. In September, 1892, G. S. Livengood became proprietor and supported the Peoples Party. Times became hard and the paper suspended. (History of Southeastern Washington, page 813.)

News, the first paper in that section east of Walla Walla, was begun in September, 1874, to boom Dayton as the county seat for a proposed new county. Elisha Ping furnished the capital and A. J. Cain the experience. It is said that the paper was first print-