Page:Nicolae Iorga - My American lectures.djvu/208

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1. French and Other Literature in S. E. Europe 13
2. Greek and Latin Christianity and the Peasant Church of Roumania 32
3. Catholic Organisations and Propagands in S. E. Europe 44
4. Present-day Problems of South-Eastern Europe 64
5. Russian Bolshevism and its Neighbours 79
6. Problems of Byzantine Art, and the Art of S. E. Europe 88
7. Present-day History and Historians 97
8. A Roumanian Market Town 110
9. The Roumanian Synthesis 118
10. The Byzantine in Roumanian and the Roumanian in Byzantine Art 131
11. Roumanian Origins and Problems 138
12. French Influence in South-Eastern Europe 145
13. Is Roumania a Balkan State? 155
14. Democracy in South-Eastern Europe 159
15. The Background of Roumanian History 185