Page:Nid and Nod (IA nidnod00barb).pdf/232

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jobs for her when I was a kid, often. Shingled the shed roof for her not more 'n four years ago. Sure, I know her. Guess every one does. I heard something about her having to leave that house up there, but I didn't know she was up against it like that. Well, say!"

"Don't you think she'd get on all right here!" asked Laurie anxiously. "I've been thinking that it'll be sort of lonely here at night for her."

"She'll get on. Trust her. She's plucky. Anyway, no one would trouble her. Why, gee-whillikins, I'll look out for her myself! I'm going past here all times, land or water, and I'll keep the old eagle eye peeled sharp. Another thing. You say you're going to fix this old ark up a bit. You'd have to, of course. Well, that's where I come in, eh? I'm sort of handy with tools, and I'd like mighty well to help. What say, fellers?"

"Gosh," answered Laurie joyfully, "I say 'Sure!' That'll be simply corking. And maybe you've got some tools?"

"Tools? Yeah. Or if I ain't I can get them. When you aiming to get at her and what you aiming to do?"