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promised not to tell who'd given it. You see, Miss Comfort, they wanted to see you comfortable here. And they were folks who could afford to do it, you know. And so—well, that's how it was," Laurie concluded, observing Miss Comfort anxiously.

"Thank you for telling me," she said. "If you promised not to divulge the names of the people who were so kind, I shan't expect you to. After all—" But she stopped and was silent a moment. Then, "I've always said that I would never accept charity," she went on musingly, "but—well, I don't know. Maybe I haven't any right to be proud. Then, somehow, this doesn't seem so—so degrading. It seems more like—well, just kindness, don't you think so?"

"Yes, I do," agreed Laurie emphatically. "And that's just what it is, ma'am."

"I don't feel about it as I would have a few years ago, anyhow," said Miss Comfort thoughtfully. Then she smiled. "Thanks for telling me, Laurie. You don't mind my calling you just that, do you? You've been so—so—Won't you have some more cookies?"

"No, ma'am, thank you." Laurie felt that