Page:Nid and Nod (IA nidnod00barb).pdf/297

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"I'll make it," answered Kewpie comfortably. "You heard what he said."

"Yes, but he didn't make any promise. That's what's worrying me. Wonder how it would be to drop poison in Nate's milk some day. Or invite him to ride in Mr. Wells's roadster and run him into a telegraph-pole!" It was the sight of Mr. Wells coming around the corner of the stand that had put the latter plan into his head. "Got to manage it somehow," he ended.

"That's all right," said Kewpie. "Don't you worry about it. He'll give me a chance soon. He didn't say much yesterday, Nod, but I could see that he was impressed."

"You could, eh?" Laurie viewed the other admiringly. "Say, you just hate yourself, don't you?"

Craigskill Military College took a three-run lead in the first inning and maintained it throughout the remaining eight innings. The game was mainly a pitchers' battle, with the enemy twirler having rather the better of the argument, and, from the point of view of the onlooker, was decidedly slow and uninteresting. Kewpie's presence on the bench supplied a welcome diver-