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responded. Are you stopping in New York this winter? I always think of you as living in Paris.

I do live abroad most of the time, Gareth explained, but this winter I've taken a house near Stamford. You see, I'm trying to write a book about America.

I enjoyed Two on the Seine, Mary said, and it was very popular at the library. At one time I think we had fifteen copies. They're all worn out now.

Gareth looked bewildered.

It's so difficult to work in New York, Mrs. Sumner remarked. I don't wonder you chose the country.

It is better, and very convenient, only an hour from town, Gareth said.

At this juncture, Galva Waldeck, the concert singer, and Leon Cazique, the new secretary to the Haytian consul, arrived. During the introductions the maid appeared with cocktails and a plate of little, round slices of bread spread with caviare and sprinkled with egg-crumbs.

I loved your exhibition, Mary, Galva exclaimed, as she sipped her cocktail. Then, turning to Cazique, Mlle. Love—I always feel like saying Mlle. Amour, Mary—a organisé une exposition épatante de sculpture africaine.

Comme c'est intéressant, the secretary responded. J'ai vu plusieurs œuvres de ce genre l'été passé à Bruxelles. Elles étaient authentiques. Vous savez, peut-être, que les Allemands ont copié beaucoup