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the Clavier, and The Emperor of Ice-Cream, and . . .

Tea! Gareth interrupted. Oh, do, for my sake, recall Tea!

When the elephant's-ear in the park
Shrivelled in frost,
And the leaves on the paths
Ran like rats,
Your lamp-light fell
On shining pillows,
Of sea-shades and sky-shades,
Like umbrellas in Java.

Will you have any more of the fish? Mrs. Sumner inquired.

Gareth became aware that a servant with a heavy platter was bending over him.

I don't think I can refuse anything so good, he responded.

Dr. Lancaster took advantage of this diversion to speak to Mary.

Have you ever been in Washington, Miss Love? he asked.

No, never. I've always wanted to go, but there has never been an occasion.

Well, our life down there is varied and pleasant. There's always somebody or other from Howard if you want a game of bridge or a pleasant chat, but it's surely more interesting here. Harlem . . .

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