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that he would not dance all the dances with her. Still . . . She accepted Howard's proposal, although without much enthusiasm.

Somehow I don't feel like dancing, she said after they had made one round of the hall. Let's sit down, Howard.

They had stopped near Adora's box and that one, glass in hand, hailed her friend.

Come in, Mary! How are you?

They entered the box.

Guess you know everybody here. Have some tea! Adora passed Howard a silver flask.

Piqua, find another glass!

Mrs. St. Paris imperilled her mauve satin by kneeling to search under a chair.

You can have mine, Howard, Mary said.

And mine too? Howard demanded.

There's plenty, Adora asserted. Don't be mean to yourself!

Save some for me! cried the moon-faced Lutie Panola, pounding her heels on the floor.

You'd better bant, Lutie, suggested Dr. Lister.

Be your age, George! I'll never start banting at a party.

You'll never start then, was Arabia Scribner's comment. You haven't missed a party since you came out!

Came out where? shouted Lutie.

Sh! Adora adjured her.

Why aren't you dancing, Adora? Mary, who had