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istence, and you believe he's consciously snubbing you. If you went to see him I'm sure he'd be delighted.

Roughly withdrawing his hand, Byron stalked across the floor. You don't give a damn about me yourself or you wouldn't be defending him! he cried, exasperated.

Byron, you ought to know how much I love you. I don't have to prove that, do I?

Funny kind of love! Always explaining to me why I ought to let somebody insult me! You don't talk to Howard this way, I notice.

I'm perhaps a little more interested in you than I am in Howard, she flamed, adding, Besides Howard doesn't need advice.

Oh, Howard's perfect, I suppose! I don't give a damn how interested you are in me if you always take somebody else's part.

I'll take yours when you deserve it. You're wrong about Mr. Sumner. You're behaving in a very silly manner and I'm going to tell you so whether you like it or not.

Fine way to spend an evening, Byron shouted. After working hard all day I come here when I ought to be home writing, and all I get is abuse.

I haven't noticed that you did so much writing before you took this job.

I haven't had a chance. You know I've been looking for work all the time.

Never play pool, do you? Or go to the Com-