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that other girl was green as an olive. Powder on chocolate. Shebas, golden-brown shebas. Lousy Niggers, all of 'em. Drinking, laughing, sniffing snow, getting ready to push him down. . . . Pretty panties on that dancing sheba. To hell with her! To hell with 'em all!

He gulped down another glassful. Mary, sweet Mary, golden-brown too. She was his friend. She stuck by him. She wouldn't make a fool out of him. She . . . He'd get that black Nigger Pettijohn!

A couple at his table departed. The others still chattered: Been to Sam's new joint? . . . Pig's feet, hot-dogs, eggs. Pig's feet, hot-dogs, eggs. . . . A white-coated vendor stood over the table with a tray laden with food, each article wrapped in white tissue-paper. . . . Gimme . . . Ten cents . . . Dat's duh berries. . . . Gaze on dat gal wid duh monkey-chaser. . . . Dey's an achin' pain, dose monkey-chasers. We doan want 'em heah! Monkey land fo' duh monkey-chasers. . . . Look at Buddie wid Miss Annie. . . . Dat ain' Miss Annie, dat's kinkout. . . . Ah tells you et is Miss Annie, Buddie's gettin' keerless. Dose ofays stink powerful.

Doan never let yo' woman have her way;
Keep you in trouble all duh time,
Doan never let yo' woman have her way;
Keep you in trouble all yo' day.