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Glossary of Negro Words and Phrases

arnchy: a person who puts on airs.

August ham: watermelon.

bardacious: marvellous.

berries, the: an expression of approbation.

blue: a very black Negro. Not to be confused with the Blues, Negro songs of disappointment in love.

Blue Vein Circle: after the Civil War the mulattoes organized themselves into a guild from which those who were black were excluded. This form of colour snobbery still persists in many localities.

Bolito: see Numbers.

boody: see hootchie-pap.

bottle it: equivalent to the colloquial English shut up.

buckra: a white person.

brick-presser: an idler; literally one who walks the pavement.

bulldiker: Lesbian.

charcoal: negro.

C. P. T.: Coloured people's time, i. e., late.

Counsellor: a title often given to lawyers among coloured people.

creeper: a man who invades another's marital rights.

daddy: husband or lover.

dicty: swell, in the slang sense of the word.

dinge: Negro.

dogs: feet. Not to be confused with hot-dogs, frankfurters inserted with mustard between two halves of a roll.

Eastman: a man who lives on women.

fagingy-fagade: a white person. This word and the corresponding word for Negro are theatrical hog Latin.

happy dust: cocaine.

high yellow: mulatto or lighter.