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A.D. 503. 5th year, Summer, 6th month. The Emperor made men lie down on their faces in the sluice of a dam and caused them to be washed away: with a three-bladed lance he stabbed them. In this he took delight.

A.D. 504. 6th year, Autumn, 9th month, 1st day. The Emperor made a decree, saying:—"As a measure for transmitting a kingdom, a son is raised up to honour.[1] But we have no successor: (XVI. 9.) wherewithal shall we hand down our name to posterity? In accordance, therefore, with old Imperial precedents, we establish the Wohatsuse Toneri and make them assume the designation of this reign, so that it may not be forgotten for ten thousand years."

Winter, 10th month. The Land of Pèkché sent Lord Mana with tribute. The Emperor, considering that for many years Pèkché had not sent tribute, detained him, and would not let him go.

A.D. 505. 7th year, Spring, 2nd month. He made men climb up trees and then shot them down with a bow, upon which he laughed.

Summer, 4th month. The King of Pèkché sent Lord Shika with tribute, and a separatte memorial, saying:—"Mana, the previous tribute-messenger, was no relation of the Sovereigns of Pèkché. Therefore I humbly send Shika to wait upon the Court." He eventually had a son named Lord Pöp-să. He was the ancestor of the Kimi of Yamato.

A.D. 506. 8th year, Spring, 3rd month. Nudas feminas super latas

    this when the King appointed Chak Ka commandant of the garrison of Karim, he did not wish to go, and declined on the score of ill-health. The King would not listen to his excuse, and he therefore hated the King. Upon this the King went a-hunting on the plain east of Săchhă. Again he hunted in the plain north of Ung-chhön. Again he hunted in the plain west of Săchhă. Being prevented from returning by a great fall of snow, he stayed for the night at the village of Mapho, where Chak Ka sent a man to assassinate him. A month later he was buried and received the name of Tong-syöng. His son Shima, otherwise called Yöryung, came to the throne.

    Spring, 1st month (A.D. 502). Chak Ka of Pèkché was executed. He had taken position in the castle of Karim and rebelled. The King proceeded with an army to the city of Utu and ordered an attack upon him. Chak Ka came out and surrendered. He was put to death and his body flung into the River Pèk-Kang."

  1. Is made Prince Imperial.