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The Age of the Gods.

So while he crawled at her head, and crawled at her feet, weeping and lamenting, the tears which he shed fell down and became a Deity. It is this Deity who dwells at Unewo no Konomoto, and who is called Naki-saha-me[1] no Mikoto. At length he drew the ten-span sword with which he was girt, and cut Kagu tsuchi into three pieces, each of which became changed into a God. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the edge of the sword[2] became the multitudinous[3] rocks which are in the bed of the Easy-River[4] of Heaven. This God was the father of Futsu-nushi no Kami. Moreover, the blood which dripped from the hilt-ring of the sword spurted out and became deities, whose names were Mika no Haya-hi[5] no Kami and next Hi no Haya-hi no[6] Kami. This Mika no (I. 17.) Haya-hi no Kami was the parent of Take-mika-suchi[7] no Kami."

Another version is:—"Mika no haya-hi no Mikoto, next Hi no haya-hi no Mikoto, and next Take-mika-tsuchi no Kami."

"Moreover, the blood which dripped from the point of the sword spurted out and became deities, who were called Iha-saku[8] no Kami, after him Ne-saku no Kami,[9] and next Iha-tsutsu-wo[10] no Mikoto. This Iha-saku no Kami was the father of Futsu-nushi[11] no Kami."

One account says:—"Iha-tsutsu-wo no Mikoto, and next Iha-tsutsu-me no Mikoto."

"Moreover, the blood which dripped from the head of the sword spurted out and became deities, who were called Kura o Kami no Kami,[12] next Kura-yamatsumi no Kami,[13] and next Kura-midzu-ha no Kami.[14]

  1. Weep-abundant-female.
  2. Cf. Ch. "Kojiki," p. 32.
  3. Literally, five hundred.
  4. i.e. The Milky Way. Yasu, easy, is probably in error for ya-so, eighty, i.e. manifold, having many reaches.
  5. Jar-swift-sun. So written, but mika is probably a word meaning very or mighty.
  6. Fire-swift-sun. See Ch. "Kojiki," p. 32.
  7. Brave-jar-father.
  8. Rock-splitting-god.
  9. Root-splitting-god.
  10. Rock-elder-male-god.
  11. Futsu is interpreted as "a snapping sound"; nushi is master.
  12. Dark-god.
  13. Dark-mountain-body-god.
  14. Dark-water-goddess.