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Palace). She eventually gave birth to a son, who became Ame-kuni-oshi-harani[1]-hiro-niha no Mikoto.[2] He was the rightful heir, but as he was young in year, he held the Empire after his two elder brothers [The two elder brothers were Hiro-kuni-oshi-take-kanahi (XVII. 7.) no Mikoto and Take-o-hiro-kuni-oshi-tate no Mikoto. See below.] had ruled it.

9th day. The Emperor made a decree, saying:—"We have heard that if men are of fit age and do not cultivate, the Empire may suffer famine; if women are of fit age and do not spin, the Empire may suffer cold. Therefore is it that the sovereigns cultivate with their own hands, so as to give encouragement to agriculture, while their consorts rear silk-worms themselves, so as to encourage the mulberry season. How, then, shall there be prosperity if all, from the functionaries down to the ten thousand families, neglect agriculture and spinning? Let the officials publish this to all the Empire, so that our sentiments may be made known."

14th day. The Emperor took to him eight concubines.

Some of the eight concubines whom he took to him were earlier, others later. When it is said that they were taken on this day (the 14th), it is meant that then for the first time they were lodged in the after palace, a lucky day having been selected by divination, in consequence of the accession to the Imperial Dignity. Thus the facts are glossed over. Other cases are to be understood similarly.

The senior concubine's name was Menoko [otherwise called Irohe], daughter of Kusaka, Wohari no Muraji. She gave birth to two children, both of whom possessed the Empire. The first was called the Imperial Prince Magari no Ohine,[3] who became Oshi-kuni-oshi-take-kanahi no Mikoto.[4] The second was called the Imperial Prince Hinokuma Takada, who became Take-wo-hiro-kuni-oshi-tate no Mikoto.[5] The next concubine was Wakugohime, younger sister of Miho no Tsunowori no Kimi. She gave birth to the Imperial Prince Oho-iratsuko (XVII. 8.) and the Imperial Princess Idzumo. The next was called Hirohime, the daughter of Prince Ohomata of Sakata. She gave birth to three daughters, the eldest of whom was called

  1. The "Kojiki" has haruki. Another rendering is hiraki.
  2. The Emperor Kimmei.
  3. Or Ohoye.
  4. Ankan Tennō.
  5. Senkwa Tennō.