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10th day. A great storm.

2nd month, 20th day. Peach-blossoms first appeared.

25th day. The leaves and flowers of herbs and trees were injured by hail.

In this month there were wind, thunder, and ice-rain. Winter ordinances were in force.

3rd month, 13th day. The official quarters of the Pèkché guests at Naniha and the houses of the people took fire.

25th day. The flowers and leaves of the herbs and trees were injured by frost.

In this month there were wind, thunder, rain and ice-rain. Winter ordinances were in force.

Summer, 4th month, 7th day. A great storm, with rain.

8th day. A wind sprang up and the weather was chilly.

20th day. There was a west wind[1] and hail. The weather was cold, and people wore three wadded garments.

21st day. The Viceroy[2] of Tsukushi sent a mounted messenger with a message to the Empress, saying:—"The Prince, the younger brother of Kyoki, son of the King of Pèkché, has arrived in company of the tribute Envoys."

25th day. It was reported from the province of Ohomi that hail had fallen there one inch in diameter.

28th day. The Empress removed her residence from the temporary palace to the new Palace of Itabuki in Asuka.

5th month, 16th day. There was an eclipse of the moon.

6th month, 13th day. The Viceroy of Tsukushi sent a mounted messenger with a message to the Empress, saying:—"Koryö is sending Envoys to our Court." When (XXIV. 10.) the Ministers heard this, they said:—"Koryö has not come to Court since the year Kanoto i,[3] and this year they are coming to Court."

23rd day. The Pèkché tribute-ships anchored in the port of Naniha.

Autumn, 7th month, 3rd day. Several Daibu were sent to the district (Government house) of Naniha to inspect the Pèkché tribute and presents. Hereupon the Daibu inquired of the tribute Envoys, saying:—"The national tribute offered by

  1. The west wind in Japan comes from North China and Siberia, and resembles our east wind in character.
  2. Dazai.
  3. A.D. 639.