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Imperial Princess Abe possessed the Empire, she dwelt in the Palace of Fujihara. She afterwards removed the capital to Nara.

One book says:—"The name Sakurawi no Iratsume was given to Mehi no Iratsume."

Next there was the daughter of the Oho-omi, Abe no Kurahashi Maro, named Tachibana no Iratsume. She gave birth to the Imperial Princess Asuka, and the Imperial Princess Nittabe.

Next there was the daughter of the Oho-omi, Soga no Akaye, named Hitachi no Iratsume. She gave birth to the Imperial Princess Yamabe.

There were also four Palace women who bore (to the Emperor) sons and daughters. One was the daughter of Wotatsu, Woshiumi no Miyakko, named Shikobuko no Iratsume. (XXVII. 17.) She had one son and two daughters. The first was called the Imperial Princess Ohoye; the second was called the Imperial Prince Kahajima; the third was called the Imperial Princess Idzumi.

Further there was the daughter of Tokoma, Kurikuma no Obito, named Kurohime no Iratsume. She gave birth to the Imperial Princess Momutori.

Further there was Michi no Kimi Iratsume, who was the mother of the Imperial Prince Shiki.

Further there was Yakako, Iga no Uneme, who was the mother of the Imperial Prince Iga. He subsequently received the cognomen of the Imperial Prince Ohotomo.

Summer, 4th month, 6th day. Pèkché[1] sent Mi-to-să-pu and others to offer tribute.

16th day. Mi-to-să-pu and his companions took their departure.

5th month, 5th day. The Emperor hunted[2] on the Moor of Kamafu. At this time the Prince Imperial, being the Emperor's younger brother, all the Princes, the Inner Minister[3] and the other Ministers were all without exception in his train.

  1. There was no Kingdom of Pèkché at this time.
  2. Any excursion of the Emperor's was called hunting. The hunt on this occasion was no doubt for medicinal herbs (kusurigari), for which this was the appointed day.
  3. Naijin.