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20th day. Koryö sent the Tè-hyöng Han-chă, Witu[1] of the Upper Division, the Tè-hyöng Syök-u of the Former Division, and others with tribute. Accordingly Silla sent Kim Ni-ik, of Han Na-ma rank, to escort the Koryö Envoys to Tsukushi.[2]

25th day. Kim Seung-wön and the other Envoys sent to congratulate the Emperor on his accession—twenty-seven guests of middle and upper rank—were summoned to the capital. Accordingly the Emperor instructed the Viceroy (of Tsukushi) to declare his wishes to the Tamna Envoys, saying:—"The Emperor has newly reduced the Empire to peace, and has only just now assumed the Imperial Dignity. For this reason he does not invite to his Court any other Envoys than those who bring congratulations, as you yourselves have observed. Moreover the weather is cold, and the waves are mountainous. To detain you longer here would be rather distressing to you than otherwise. You would therefore do well to take your departure without delay." Accordingly the King resident in that country and his Envoys, Kumayé and his colleagues, were for the first time granted the cap-rank of Upper Dai-otsu,[3] which moreover was adorned with brocade and embroidery, and corresponded to the rank of Cha-phyöng (Minister) in that country. So they returned home from Tsukushi.

9th month, 28th day. Kim Seung-wön and his colleagues were entertained at Naniha. There was a performance of music of all kinds, and they received presents varying in the case of each person.

Winter, 11th month, 1st day. Kim Seung-wön took his departure.

21st day. Han-chă of Koryö, Sal-yu of Silla, and their (XXIX. 5.) people, were entertained at Oho-gohori[4] in Tsukushi, and received presents varying in the case of each.

12th month, 5th day. Presents were given to all those who were in attendance on the Emperor at the feast of first-fruits,[5] viz. the Nakatomi and Imbe, with the officials of the Shintō department, the district governors of the two provinces of

  1. A title.
  2. Koryö had at this time been overthrown by China.
  3. This was apparently the rank conferred on the Envoys, that bestowed on the King not being mentioned. Cha-phyöng was a Pèkché rank.
  4. Or Ohokuni.
  5. Ohonihe.