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Winter, 10th month, 9th day. The Imperial Princess Ohoki left the Abstinence-palace of Hatsuse and proceeded to the shrine of Ise.[1]

A.D. 675. 4th year, Spring, 1st month, 1st day. The various students of the Department of Education, the Department of the Yin and Yang,[2] the Outer Apothecaries' Department, the woman of Śravastī,[3] the woman of Tara, Prince Syön-kwang of Pèkché, and the Silla labourers offered presents of drugs and rarities.

2nd day. From the Imperial Princes downwards all the public functionaries presented their respects to the Emperor.

3rd day. All the public functionaries, from the initial rank upwards, presented firewood.[4]

5th day. A platform was for the first time erected from which to divine by means of the stars.[5]

7th day. A banquet was given at Court to the Ministers.

17th day. The Ministers of State, Daibu, and all the public functionaries from the initial rank upwards had an archery meeting in the Court of the Western Gate.

(XXIX. 7.) On this day, moreover, the province of Yamato presented an auspicious barn-door fowl, the Eastern provinces presented a white falcon, and the province of Afumi presented a white owl.[6]

3rd day. Offerings[7] (of cloth) were made at the various shrines.

2nd month, 9th day. The Emperor gave orders to the provinces of Yamato, Kahachi, Settsu, Yamashiro, Harima, Ahaji, Tamba, Tajima, Afumi, Wakasa, Ise, Mino, and Wohari, saying:—"Seek out in your jurisdiction men and women of the common people who can sing well, and also dwarfs and jugglers,[8] etc., and send them as tribute."

  1. See above, XXIX. 3.
  2. This Department had charge of astronomy and calendar-making, with observations on the weather.
  3. See above, XXV. 57.
  4. A regular yearly practice first mentioned here.
  5. The close association of astronomy and divination may be inferred from this.
  6. The interlinear Kana has tobi, i.e. kite.
  7. Mitegura.
  8. The word used includes jugglers, acrobats, et hoc genus omne.