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business to take measures against you. Now in this Our reign you deserve to be called to an account for your misconduct, and to receive condign punishment. We are very reluctant, however, to extirpate the House[1] of Aya no Atahe, and we therefore extend to you great clemency and pardon you. But henceforth if any of you offend his crime shall surely be ranked among unpardonable offences."

Autumn, 7th month, 3rd day. Worship was paid to the Wind-Gods of Tatsuta and to the Oho-imi Deity of Hirose.

8th month, 15th day. A great feast of Buddhist fare was given at the Asuka Temple, at which the "Issaikio"[2] was read. The Emperor stood at the South Gate of the Temple, and did obeisance to the Three Precious Things. At this time he commanded the Princes of the Blood and the other Princes as well as the Ministers each to furnish one person to renounce the world. These persons were chosen without distinction of age or sex, and all entered religion in accordance with their wishes. They therefore took part in this great feast.

27th day. Kim Chhyöng-phyöng returned to his own country. Accordingly Pak Chă-pha and the other who had been driven by stress of weather to Japan were delivered to Chhyöng-phyöng and the rest, and sent back to their native land.

28th day. Tamna sent Prince Tora with tribute.

9th month, 30th day. A decree was made, saying:—"Let vagabonds who come back again after having been sent to their native places be, one and all, set to forced labour."

Winter, 10th month, 14th day. Momoye, Kahabe no Omi, of Inner Upper Shōkin rank, was appointed Minister of the Interior,[3] and Maro, Tajihi no Kimi, of Inner Lower Daikin rank, was made Daibu[4] of the province of Settsu.

11th month, 1st day. Owing to rain the ceremony of announcing the 1st day of the month was not observed.

(XXIX. 19.) The Viceroy of Tsukushi presented to the Emperor a red crow.[5] The Viceroy's officials accordingly received presents,

  1. Uji.
  2. The books of the Buddhist canon, Tripitaka.
  3. Mimbukiō, or in Japanese Kakibe no Kimi.
  4. From the enumeration of his functions in the "Shokuinriō," this official seems to have been a governor with very comprehensive powers.
  5. A red crow with three legs was supposed to inhabit the sun. The appearance of one on earth was accounted the most favourable of omens. See above, Vol. I. p. 116, note.