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2nd day. The Ministers and public functionaries presented their respects at Court with the same state as at the New Year's audience.

Tajihi no Shima no Mabito and Fuse no Miaruji no Ason[1] presented their congratulations to the Empress on her accession to the throne.

3rd day. A banquet was given to the Ministers in the inner precinct.

7th day. A banquet was given to the Ministers in the inner precinct, and presents of clothing given them.

15th day. The public functionaries presented firewood.

17th day. There was a general amnesty throughout the Empire. It did not apply, however, to those criminals who are excepted from ordinary pardons.

One grade of rank was granted to all persons who already held official rank.

Widows, orphans, lone persons, sufferers from grave illness, and those who from poverty were unable to support themselves were granted presents of rice, and exempted from commuted taxes and forced labour.

20th day. One hundred tokibe[2] were appointed to the Department of Justice.

23rd day. Offerings were distributed to the Gods of Heaven and the Gods of Earth in the Home provinces. Moreover, the lands and houses allotted for their service were augmented.

2nd month, 5th day. The Empress went to the embankment of Wakinokami and inspected the horses of the Ministers and Daibu.

11th day. A Buddhist priest of Silla named Chön-kil, Peuk

    (eight-open-hand). The Prince Imperial claps his hands first and then retires. Next officials of the fifth rank and upwards clap hands, and finally those of the sixth or lower ranks in turn." A Chinese authority states that the Japanese showed their respect for men of distinction by clapping their hands. The number of obeisances varied at different times from one up. The "tablet-position" is probably something like what I have seen in the Court in front of the Audience Hall in Söul, where slabs of stone are let into the ground with inscriptions indicating the positions to be taken up by the officials of each rank.

  1. Shima and Miaruji are the personal names.
  2. Tokibe were officers who held preliminary examinations and committed prisoners for trial.