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16th day. The Empress made an edict, as follows:—"In the seventh year of our reign, the year Midzunoto Mi of the Cycle, a spring of cordial waters bubbled up at Mount Tsuga-yama in the district of Yasu in the province of Afumi. Persons afflicted with all manner of diseases went to stay at the Temple of Yasudera, and great numbers were healed. Therefore four chō of rice-land and sixty tan of cloth are granted to it, and the district of Yasu is exempted for this year from commuted taxes and forced labour, and from miscellaneous corvées. The local authorities, from the chief down to the clerks, are advanced one grade in rank. To those who first made proof of the spring of cordial waters, viz. Kadono no Hatsuki and the daughter of Kudara no Tsurara, these are given two hiki of coarse silk each, ten tan of cloth, and ten mattocks."

22nd day. Offerings were presented at the various shrines.

23rd day. Presents of coarse silks and cloth, varying in value in the case of each, were made to the officials of the Department of the Shintō religion from the chief down to the Hafuri, in all 164 persons.

Summer, 4th month, 5th day. The posthumous rank of Jō-dai-shi was conferred on Prince Kahachi, Viceroy of Tsukushi, and a contribution made towards his funeral expenses.

7th day. The Empress went to the Palace of Yoshino.

13th day. Envoys were sent to pray to the Great Abstinence Deity of Hirose and to the Wind-gods of Tatsuta.

(XXX. 35.) 14th day. The Empress arrived back from the Palace of Yoshino.

17th day. A contribution was sent towards the funeral expenses of the Doctor of Law[1] Dō-yen.

5th month, 6th day. The Ministers and Daibu were entertained within the inner precincts (of the Palace).

11th day. One hundred copies of the Kin-kwō-myō Sutra were sent and deposited in the various provinces, to be read without fail when the moon of the first month was in her first quarter. The fees (to the priests) were to be defrayed from the public revenues[2] of the province.

6th month, 8th day. A white copper-pheasant was presented

  1. Risshi, a rank in the Buddhist priesthood.
  2. There is no question of money here, everything was in kind.