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17th day. There was archery lasting for four days.

Intercalary 2nd month, 8th day. The Empress went to the Palace of Yoshino.

15th day. The Imperial car returned to the Palace.

3rd month, 2nd day. Silla sent Prince Kim Nyang-nim, the Po-nyöng[1] Pak Kang-kuk, of Sal-son[2] rank, and Kim Chyu-han and Kim Chhyung-syön, of Han-na-ma rank, to present a memorial regarding the government of their country, to offer tribute and to bring presents.

11th day. The Empress went to the Palace of Yoshino.

14th day. The Empress arrived from Yoshino.

22nd day. Hakase, Fumi no Imiki, of Mu-kwō-ni rank, Shimo-osa[3] no Morota, of Shin-kwō-san rank, and others were sent to Tane[4] to obtain the barbarians' dwelling-place.

Summer, 4th month, 9th day. Envoys were sent to pray to the Great Abstinence Deity of Hirose and to the Wind-gods (XXX. 37.) of Tatsuta.

17th day. The posthumous rank of Jiki-kwō-san was conferred on Yemishi, Kamo no Ason, and a contribution made towards his funeral expenses. [His original rank was Gon-dai-ichi.] The posthumous rank of Jiki-dai-shi was conferred on Akamaro, Fumi no Imiki, and a contribution made towards his funeral expenses. [His original rank was Dai-san-chiu.]

5th month, 13th day. An entertainment was given to the Hayato of Oho-sumi.

21st day. The Empress witnessed wrestling by the Hayato at West[5] Tsuki no moto.

6th month, 3rd day. Daibu were sent as Envoys to visit the shrines of the capital and the four Home provinces and pray for rain.

16th day. Honorary gifts of various values were made to all high officials who were eighty years of age or more, or who were affected by chronic disease.

  1. Apparently the name of an office.
  2. The proper word is Chap-son.
  3. Shimo-osa means junior interpreter. There was a family of this name, but it is not quite clear that the name and function did not go together in this case.
  4. Viz. Tanegashima, an island off the south coast of Satsuma.
  5. Referring to its position West of the Temple of Asuka. Tsuki is the name of a tree, the Planera.