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in all 7053 houses. The Director of the Treasury was made Hada[1] no Tomo no Miyakko.

9th month, 5th day. The Emperor made a progress to the shrine of Hafuritsu[2] at Naniha. He was accompanied by Kanamura, Ohotomo no Ohomuraji, Inamochi, Kose no Omi, and Okoshi, Mononobe no Ohomuraji. The Emperor inquired of the Ministers, saying:—"How many troops would be required to conquer Silla?" Okoshi, Mononobe no Ohomuraji and the rest addressed the Emperor, saying:—"With only a few soldiers it would not be easy to chastise Silla. Formerly, in the sixth year of the reign of the Emperor Wohodo, Pèkché sent envoys petitioning that the four districts of Imna, viz. Upper Tari, Lower Tari, Syata and Muro might be granted to him.[3] Kanamura, Ohotomo no Ohomuraji readily agreed with the request contained in this petition, and granted the demand. In consequence of this, Silla has cherished resentment for many years. Its chastisement should not be lightly undertaken." Now Ohotomo no Kanamura staid in his house at Sumiyoshi,[4] and, on the pretence of illness, did not attend Court. The Emperor sent Magariko, Awomi no Ohotoshi, courteously to make kind inquiries. The Ohomuraji humbly thanked the Emperor, and said:—"That which ails me is nought else than this. The Ministers now say that it was I who lost Imna. Therefore I was afraid, and did not come to Court." So he made a present to the messenger of a saddle-horse, and showed him great friendliness and honour. Awomi no Ohotoshi made a faithful report to the Emperor, who commanded, saying:—"Thou hast long shown the utmost fidelity: be not moved by what people may say." He acquitted him of all guilt, and showed him increasing favour.

This year was the year Kanoye Saru (57th) of the Cycle.

A.D. 541. (XIX. 5.) 2nd year, Spring, 3rd month. The Emperor took to him five concubines. The senior concubine was the Imperial Princess Kurawakaya hime, younger sister of the Empress. She bore to him the Imperial Prince Iso no kami. The next was also a younger sister of the Empress, named the Imperial Princess Hikage.

  1. T'sin is called Hada in Japanese.
  2. Hafuri means a Shinto priest, tsu is probably the genitive particle.
  3. See above, p. 7.
  4. Or Suminoye, near Sakai.