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to our country the Chief Envoy reveals our misconduct, it will be unfortunate for us. It is desirable to slay him secretly, and so stop his mouth." The same night their conspiracy (XX. 3.) leaked out, and became known to the Chief Envoy. He put on his clothes, and stealing out alone, stood in the inner court of the official residence. He was there not knowing what to do, when one of the ruffians came forward with a club and struck the Chief Envoy on the head, and then went away. Next there came another ruffian, who, facing right opposite to the Chief Envoy, struck him on the head and hands and then went away. The Chief Envoy remained silent, and stood his ground, wiping the blood from his face. Again there came another ruffian, who rushed forward with a sword, and having stabbed the Chief Envoy in the belly, went away. This time the Chief Envoy prostrated himself on the ground in fear, and in an attitude of supplication. Afterwards there came another ruffian, who killed him, and went away. The next morning, the official entertainer Komaro, Yamato no Aya no Saka no Uhe no Atahe, and the others inquired the cause of this. The Associate Envoys got up a false story, and said:—"The Emperor presented a wife to the Chief Envoy. The Chief Envoy was disobedient to the Imperial command and refused to accept her. This was a piece of extreme insolence, and your servants therefore slew him on the Emperor's behalf." The officials buried him with due ceremony.

Autumn, 7th month. The Koryö Envoys took their departure.

This year was the year Midzunoye Tatsu (29th) of the Cycle.

A.D. 573. 2nd year, Summer, 5th month, 2nd day. Koryö Envoys anchored on the coast of the Sea of Koshi. Their ship was wrecked and a great many were drowned. The suspicions of the Court were excited by their so frequently losing their way, and they were dismissed without entertainment. Accordingly Naniha, Kibi no Amabe no Atahe, was sent by the Emperor's orders to escort home the Koryö Envoys.

Autumn, 7th month, 1st day. Naniha and the Koryö Envoys met in consultation on the coast of the Sea of Koshi. Ihahi, Ohoshima no Obito, and Masa, Saoka no Obito, seamen of Naniha, the escort Envoy, were made to go on board the