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but last year the granary, not being repaired, was on the point of falling into the yard. Because he was not allowed to plant Indigo in the rice-field, the wicked Saheb beat the Majo[1] and Sajo[1] Babus most severely; and how very difficult it was to get them out of his clutches; the ploughs and kine were sold, and at that crisis the two Mandals left the village.

Goluk.   Did not the eldest Mandal go to bring his brethren back?

Sadhu.   They said, "We would rather beg from door to door than go to live there again." The eldest Mandal is now left alone, and he has kept two ploughs, which are nearly always engaged in the Indigo-fields. And even this person is making preparations for flying off. Oh, Sir! I tell you also to throw aside this infatuated attachment (maya) for your native place. Last time your rice went, and this time, your honour will go.

Goluk.   What honour remains to us now? The Planter has prepared his place of cultivation round about the tank, and will plant Indigo there this year. In that case, our women will be entirely excluded from the tank. And also the Saheb has said that if we do not cultivate our rice-fields with Indigo, he will make Nobin Madhab to drink the water of seven Factories. (i.e. to be confined in them)

Sadhu.   Has not the eldest Babu gone to the Factory?

Goluk.   Has he gone of his own will? The Pyeadah (a servant) has carried him off there.

Sadhu.   But our eldest Babu has very great courage. On the day the Saheb said, "If you don't hear the Amin, and don't plant the Indigo within the ground marked off, then shall we throw your houses into the river Betroboti, and shall make you eat your rice in the factory godown," the eldest Babu replied, "As long as we shall not get the price for the fifty bigahs[2] of

  1. 1.0 1.1 Majo and Sajo Babus: The second and third brothers of a Bengali family—Ed.
  2. Bigah: One-third of an acre of land—Ed.