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Saheb has no want of money, and he has no need for borrowing money on credit. Then, why is it that the fool does so; if he has to cultivate Indigo, let him do so; let him buy oxen; let him prepare ploughs; if he cannot guide the plough himself, let him keep men under him. What want have you of lands? Why not cultivate the village from end to end? We stand ready to help in the cultivation. In that case the land can overflow with Indigo in two years. But he will not do it......

(Aside, ho; ho; ho; ma; ma;) Gazi Saheb[1] Gazi Saheb; Darga Darga[1] Call your Rama. Within this there are ghosts. Be silent, be silent.

(Aside, Oh Indigo; You came to this land for our utter ruin. Ah! I cannot any more suffer this torture. I cannot say how many other Factories there are of this Concern. Within this one month and-a-half, I have already drunk the water of fourteen Factories; and I do not know in what Factory I am now; and how can I know that, while I am taken in the night from one Factory to another, with my eyes entirely shut. Oh! my mother! where art thou now?)

Third Ryot.   Rama; Rama; Rama Kali, Kali, Durga! Ganesh,[2] Ashra[3].

Torapa.   Silence, silence.

(Aside, Ah, I can make myself free from this hell, if I take the advance for five bigahs of land. Oh! my uncle, it is now proper to take the advance. Now, I see no means of giving the notice; my life is on the point of leaving the body. I have no more any power to speak. Oh my mother, where art thou now? I have not seen thy holy feet for a month-and-a-half.)

  1. 1.0 1.1 Gazi Saheb & Darga: These are words used by the Mohemmadans in times of great alarm and here used to express the fear of ghosts.
  2. Rama, Kali, Durga, Ganesh: Names of Hindu gods & goddesses.
  3. Ashra: i. e. Ashura, the Demon.