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410 iSiLES' REGISTER— FEBRLAKV 26, lS-25— CHRONICLE. Rn^gles, Smith, Talbot, Thomas, Van Dyke, Williams —24. Nats— Messrs. Carbonr, Bell, Benton, Branch, rhardlcr, Clayton, Elliott, llayne, Holmes, of Maine, Holmes, of Miss. Kin-, of Alabama, King, of New York, Knight, McLean, Macon, Seymour, Tazewell, Van Ruren — Ifi. And the senate atljourncd. hi tke house nf representatives. After other lousiness, cf noprescnt importance — Mr. Mercer moved to discharge the committee of thfi whole from the consideration of the bill "to con- firm the acts incorporating the Ohio and Chesapeake canal cnmpaHy;" which was carried. The house accordingly to;)k up the bill. Considerable discussion foiioweJ — finally, the bill •wa- amended, and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading to-morrow. [Itgivcs thesanction of codgress to the acts of the states of .Maryland and Virginia, and shall be inserted, at length, in the next Register.] An engrossed bill, concerning the grant of land to the marquis de Maison Rouge, was read a third time, and, though opposed, passed' by a large majority. The rest of the day was chiefly spent in considering the bill to establish certain post roads. CHROXICLE. Cknci-cil Lafaycile, with his son and secretary, left "Washington 0!i the 2Sd inst. on a tour through the southern and western states. He left that city in the ..steam-boat Potomac, for Norfolk, whence he will proceed through the Carolinas, Georgia, and Ala- bama, to New Orleans; thence up the Mississippi, as far as St. Louis, visiting the seats of government of thestates on its banks, then those of the western and northwestern states, and returning to the Atlantic via Pittsburgh, &c. Being uader an engagement to be at Boston on the anniversary of the battle of Bun- ker's Tlill, which is the I'th of June, the general has a journey bL-forc him of about five thousand miles, 10 be performed in something less than four months. ,1 piihlic dinner has been given to commodore Rod- gcrs, by the citizens of Norfolk, as a testimony of rcspectforhis personal and official worth. Thecojm- modore is about sailing in the North Carolina, "74, for •lie Mediterranean. JAteranj. It is said that lIr. Cooper, the famous novelist, has undertaken a histonj cflhe American nary. Pennsylvania. On the ISth inst. ff'oi. Jhrlc3, esq. the speaker of the senate of Pennsylvania, was elected a senator in the congress of the United States, for six years from the 4th of March next. The following is the slate of the bailotings: 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5 th. William Marks, 21 2G •21 43 73 Thomas Burnsidc, 27 29 29 31 27 Wm. Dariinston, 30 23 27 21 — .Tohn Sergeant, IS 19 19 19 19 Sanuel D. Ingham, 20 19 19 7 2 I. D. Barnard, 4 — — — — Philip P. Barbour, esq. at present a representative in congress, has been appointed by the legislature, a judge of the 'en"!, court, to supply the vacancy occa- sioned by t'iC death of judge Hugh Holmes. Miryland. The bill granting four delegates to the city of Baltimor.",, has passed both branches of the Maryland legislature. Being an alteration of the con- stitution, it will require the ratification of the next assembly, before its provisions can go into operation. 0/iio tob!(cco. It is estimated tiiat last year tico hundred and fifty hogsheads were raised, and that, at least, one thousund will be raised the present year, in Ihe county of Biilmont, in the state of Ohio. Lcml minr. A lead mine has been discovered on the farm of Mr. .Jonathan Leonard, of Canton, Mass. about fifteen miles from Boston. A shaft has-been sunk to the depth of about 30 feet, and there is a fair promisc'of an abundant supply of the material. Fine arts. The Bunkcr-Hill committee offer a pre- mium of !^I00for the bcst model of a monumental column, 220 feet high. The commissioner of tlic public buildings at AVash ■ ington, oflTcrs a premium of $500 for the most approv- ed design of ornamenting the Tympanum of the pe- diment of the east portico to the capitol. The pedi- ment issupporird by eight Corinthian columns, stand- ing on an arcade, the cornice about 70 feet above the ground. The base of the tympanum is 64 feet, and the height in the centre 12 feet. Drawings or mo- dels, with the necessary explanations, to be delivered, on or before the first day of May next, to J. Elgar, Washington. Legal decision. Judge Bray, of South Carolina, has decided the question which was argued before him, whether aliens are liable to the performance nf militia duty. The opinion of the honorable judge, founded upon the principle of the "Lex Loci," is, that aliens arc liable to perform militia duty. Methodists, in 1755, five method ists, from Ireland,- settled in the city of New York, one of whom was a preaclicr. His first sermon was preached in his own house to a congregation of five persons. This was the first methodist society in America. The number gradually increased, and, in 1766, a methodist meet- ing house was built in John street, the first that was erected in the United States. In 1816 an elirgant cliurch was built on the same spot, which acconuno- datcs 2000 hearers. There are now in the city of Now York six methodist churches, besides two built fo# colored people, who worship sepai-ately from the whites. LuU(mlon:;ei-ily. Within these last eight years, "says the Canada Spectator," there have died in the village ofConewago, ten Indians, each of them past an hun- dred years of age. Some days ago, the curate buried a woman aged 166. There is now living a squaw, who hasher descendants to the fifth generation; in other words, the child has now living, her mother, grand- mother, grandmother's mother and grandmother's grandmother. Tamed tcolves. A singular equipage has bccu seen for the last six months in the streets of Munich. It is a calash drawn by two enormous v/olves, which M. W. K. formerly a merchant at St. Petersburg, found very young in a wood near Wilna, and basso well tamed that they have all the docility of horses. These animals are harnessed exactly like our carriage horses, and have entirely lost their ferocious instinct. The police have only retired that they should Dc muzzled. M. V. K. parades the city in this equi- page several times a day, and always attracts an im- mense crowd. Appomtinents hy the president, by and icith the advice an€ cojwftit of the senate. John .1. Smith, of New York, at present secretary of legation at London, to be secretary of legation at Madrid. John J. JJppldon, of Massachusetts, at present se- cretary of legation at Madrid, to be secretary of le- gation at London. Harvey Greg-g-, of Indiana, to be consul at Acapulco, in Mexico. Daniel JVtjmu-., of Nev.' York, to be consul at St. Jago de Chile. Joshua Bond, of Maryland, to be consul at Mon- tevideo. E.nD UF VOLU.ME TWENTY-SEVEN.