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Some thousands o years ago in the north of India, there was a kingdom called Videha. A pious man reigned there, named Janaka Rishi. His piety and goodness won for him the name of Rishi. He was a venerable man, and although a Maharajah, he led the life of a farmer.

One spring morning this King-farmer was out in the fields ploughing as usual, and the sun was shining in all its glory on the ripe yellow corn in the surrounding fields, giving it a rich golden appearance. The saintly looking king was driving a team of four grey oxen, and making as he drove, straight long sitas (furrows) in the ground. Suddenly his attention was drawn to what be thought was a stone in the way of his plough, it was something hard and solid. The oxen were stopped and the King Rishi stooped down to see what it was, when to his great surprise he discovered a gold gharrah (pitcher) burned in the ground. The King picked up the gharrah and to his utter astonishment he found it contained a beautiful little baby, a little girl The King was spell bound for a moment. Was this some delusion? Was it a dream? or was it really true? The King was overwhelmed with happiness and said to himself: "I am no longer childless, this baby shall be my daughter and shall bear the name of my ancestors." King Rishi hastened to the Palace to show the precious baby to the Queen. The ls4aharani’s heart, was filled with unspeakable happiness and joy when she saw the lovely baby, and there was great rejoicing in the State when the news became known that the Queen had a daughter. The little girl was called Sita as she was found in the furrows (sitas).


The great King of Rahshasas who iithabited the southern part of India, was