Page:Ninety-nine homilies of S. Thomas Aquinas upon the epistles and gospels for forty-nine Sundays of the Christian year (IA ninetyninehomili00thom).pdf/42

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Homily II

The Seekers Of The Lord.


"Behold! Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing." - S. Luke ii. 48.

MANY things are taught in this Gospel according to the letter, as is manifest, but in this word we are taught to seek God, to which we are frequently exhorted in Holy Scripture. Three things are noted in these words Firstly, the seekers, " Behold! Thy father and I." Secondly, the manner of seeking, " have sought Thee sorrowing." Thirdly, the person sought for, " sought Thee."

I. On the first head it is to be noted that the seekers were Mary and Joseph, in whom two kinds of men are represented by which the Lord is sought (1) He is sought by the contemplative in contemplation; (2) by the active in action. Mary signifies the illuminated, and typifies the contemplative who in contemplation receive the Divine illuminations. Joseph is interpreted " increase," and he signifies the active, who ought to have increase from works of mercy. The Lord is sought by both these, and to both can be applied. Ps. cv. 3, 4, " Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and His strength." The first portion of this refers to the contemplative, who are in continual joy and jubilation; the second portion to the active, who now and then need to be strengthened. Again, by Mary, Star of the Sea, faith is signified; and by Joseph, the increase of charity. Faith seeks for God, inasmuch as He is our Father; charity, inasmuch as He is the chief good. Of these two, Cant. v. 6, " My soul failed when He spake. I sought Him, but I did not find Him." Inasmuch as He speaks, insomuch did I seek, for faith cometh by hearing. " As far as he is beloved he seeks charity, which is the life binding the lover with the beloved," as S. Austin says. So plainly, if He be sought by charity, afterwards He shall be found.

II. On the second head it is to be noted that He ought to be sought for in seven different ways (1) With purity of mind, that we may be held to be free from every defilement