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Science, substantiates his ignorance of its Principle and practice, and incapacitates him for correct comment. This failure should make him modest.

Christian Science involves a new language, and a higher demonstration of medicine and religion. It is the “new tongue” of Truth, having its best interpretation in the power of Christianity to heal. My system of Mind-healing swerves not from the highest ethics and from the spiritual goal. To climb up by some other way than Truth is to fall. Error has no hobby, however boldly ridden or brilliantly caparisoned, that can leap into the sanctum of Christian Science.

In Queen Elizabeth's time Protestantism could sentence men to the dungeon or stake for their religion, and so abrogate the rights of conscience and choke the channels of God. Ecclesiastical tyranny muzzled the mouth lisping God's praise; and instead of healing, it palsied the weak hand outstretched to God. Progress, legitimate to the human race, pours the healing balm of Truth and Love into every wound. It reassures us that no Reign of Terror or rule of error will again unite Church and State, or re-enact, through the civil arm of government, the horrors of religious persecution.

The Rev. S. E. Herrick, a Congregational clergyman of Boston, says: “Heretics of yesterday are martyrs to-day.” In every age and clime, “On earth peace, good will toward men” must be the watchword of Christianity.

Jesus said: “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven