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In One Volume, 700 pp. Containing many important changes and additions by the author. The Original, Standard, and only Textbook on Christian Science Mind-healing. This edition contains a fine photogravure portrait of Mrs. Eddy, together with a facsimile of her signature. Price (cloth), single copy, $3.18; two to twelve books (cloth only) to one address, each, $3.00; twelve or more books to one address, each, $2.75. Full leather, stiff beveled boards, gilt edges, same paper as in cloth binding, single copy, $4.00; twelve or more to one address, each, $3.75. Morocco, limp, round corners, gilt edges, Oxford India Bible paper, convenient for pocket, single copy, $5.00; twelve or more to one address, each $4.75. Levant, divinity circuit, leather-lined to edge, round corners, gilt edges, silk sewed, heavy Oxford India Bible paper, single copy, $6,00; twelve or more to one address, each, $5.75. Orders for Science and Health in lots of twelve or more to one address may include any or all of the different styles of binding. The above prices are all prepaid.

A book of 471 pages, containing articles published in The Christian Science Journal since 1883, with revisions and additions. Price (cloth), single copy, $2.25; twelve or more books to one address, each, $2.00. Morocco, limp, round corners, gilt edges, convenient for pocket, single copy, $4.00; twelve or more to one address, each, $3.75. Levant, divinity circuit, leather-lined to edge, round comers, gilt edges, silk sewed, single copy, $5.00; twelve or more to one address, each, $4.75. The above prices are all prepaid. Orders for Miscellaneous Writings in lots of twelve or more to one address may include any or all of the different styles of binding. No discount will be allowed on orders for twelve books which include both Science and Health and Miscellaneous Writings.