Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 3).pdf/214

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believes, for interest on the sum of $600.00, secured by said mortgage; that deponent on the 1oth day of February, 1890, made, executed, and delivered to Mortgage, Bank & Investment Company his promissory note for the sum of $600.00, with interest at the rate of 9 per cent. per annum, and to secure the payment of said sum, deponent, at said time and place, executed the mortgage described in said Exhibit A; that deponent received only the sum of $335; that the balance of said sum of $600.00, to-wit: the sum of $265, together with a chattel mortgage for $140.00 and note for same; was kept and retained by said Mortgage, Bank & Investment Company as a bonus or usury, and deponent never received any consideration or benefit therefrom, whatever; that said Exhibit A is taken from the North Dakota Eagle, a newspaper printed and published at Willow ‘City, Bottineau County, N. D.; that said Mortgage, Bank & Investment Company threatens to foreclose said mortgage by advertisement, and sell the premises therein described, on October 15th, A. D. 1891, at 2 o'clock p. M., at Willow City, Bottineau County, N. D.; that deponent fears said mortgagee will so sell said premises at said time and place unless restrained therefrom by an order from the Judge of the District Court of Bottineau County, N. D. Deponent further says that he is the owner of the premises in said Exhibit A described. Wherefore, deponent prays that the honorable Judge of the District Court of Bottineau County, N. D., may, by an order to that effect, enjoin the mortgagee, or its assignee, agent, attorney, or servants, from foreclosing said mortgage by advertisement, and direct that all further proceedings for the foreclosure thereof be had in the District Court of Bottineau County, N. D.; the same being the county wherein said premises are situated. Wm. McCann.

“Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September, 1891. Jacob Schroeder, Notary Public. [Seal.”]

“Exhibit A. Default existing in a contract and mortgage executed by William McCann on February 10th, 1890, to Mortgage, Bank & Investment Company, on the west 1/2 of northeast