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in detail that all of the various conditions precedent have been complied with. It is sufficient if it is stated that the bond was issued in pursuance of the statute, designating it in such a manner as to identify it. This is in legal effect a statement that each and all of the necessary preliminary steps were taken to authorize the issue of the bonds. Inhabitants v. Morrison, 133 U. S. 523, 10 Sup. Ct. Rep. 333; Dixon Co. v. Field, 111 U. S. 83, 4 Sup. Ct. Rep. 315; 15 Am. and Eng. Enc. Law, 1300; County of Moultrie v. Rockingham, etc., Bank, 92 U.S. 631. But the statement went much further. It asserted that the bonds had been issued under and in pursuance of, and in strict conformity with, the act authorizing their issue, “and of a vote of said district at a special meeting had on the 2gth day of November, 1881.” The certificate indorsed on the bonds by the clerk was required by the statute to be indorsed thereon. Chapter 24, Laws 1881, § 4. The statute specifies what the certificate shall contain, and this provision was strictly com- plied with in the issuing of these bonds. This requirement indicates that it was for the protection of the purchaser of the bonds, who might implicity rely upon the clerk's certificate as conclusive evidence that all necessary preliminary steps had been legally and regularly taken.

We come now to the claim that the plaintiffs have sued the wrong corporation. The defendant did not issue these bonds. If liable at all, it must be by virtue of some statute. Chapter 44, Laws 1883, is pointed to as the act which binds the defendant to pay these bonds. This law provides for a new system. The district school system was to be abolished, and the township school system to take its place. Under this statute it was the duty of the board of county commissioners to divide all organized counties into school townships. The finding of the court is that on May 23rd, 1883, the commissioners of Richland County duly organized the school township of Dwight in that county, and that the territory within this new school township embraced nearly all of the territory of the old school district No. 22; and that the school house and school furniture belonging to the district were