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perform, either by means of these letters, or by the operations of poetry.

[1]I am possessed of songs: such as neither the spouse of a king, nor any son of man can repeat; one of them is called the Helper: it will help thee at thy need, in sickness, grief and all adversities.

“I know a Song, which the sons of men ought to sing, if they would become skilful physicians.

[2]I know a Song, by which I soften and inchant the arms of my enemies; and render their weapons of none effect.

“I know a Song, which I need only to sing when men have loaded me with bonds; for the moment I sing it, my chains fall in pieces, and I walk forth at liberty.

“I know a Song, useful to all mankind; for as soon as hatred inflames the sons of men, the moment I sing it they are appeased.

  1. Barthol. p. 658.
  2. Ibid. p. 347.