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“If I will, I can explain the nature of all the different species of Men, of Genii, and of Gods. None but the wise can know all their differences.

[1]If I aspire to the love and the favour of the chastest virgin, I can bend the mind of the snowy-armed maiden, and make her yield wholly to my desires.

“I know a secret, which I will never lose; it is to render myself always beloved by my mistress.

“But I know one which I will never impart to any female, except my own sister, or to her whom I hold in my arms. Whatever is known only to one’s self, is always of very great value.”

After this, the Author concludes with exclamations on the beauty of the things he has been describing.

NOW, says he, have I sung in my august abode, my sublime verses; which are both necessary to the sons of men, and useless to the sons of men. Blessed

  1. Barthol. p. 658.