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discerning not to see through his design, and therefore, as soon as he arrived, they fascinated his eyes by their inchantments (B). Immediately appeared to his sight a very lofty palace; the roof of which, as far as his eyes could reach, was covered with golden shields. The poet Diodolfe thus describes it, “The Gods had formed the roof of brilliant gold, the walls of stone, the foundations of the hall were mountains (c).” At the entrance of this palace Gylfd saw a man playing with seven little swords, which he amused himself with tossing into the air and catching as they fell, one after another. This person asked his name; the disguised monarch told him, it was Gangler, and that he came from the rocks of Riphil. He asked, in his turn, to whom that palace belonged? The other told him it belonged to their king, and that he would introduce him to his presence. Gangler entering, saw many stately buildings, and innumerable halls crouded with people; some drinking, others engaged in various sports, others wrestling. Gangler seeing a multitude of things, the meaning of which he could not comprehend, softly pronounced the following verses. “Carefully examine all the gates, before thou advancest further; for thou canst not tell where the foes may be sitting, who are placed