Page:Northern ditty, or, The citizen outwitted by a country damsel.pdf/3

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If forty pounds would buy the globe,
this thing I would not do, Sir;
Or were my friends as poor as Job,
I'd never raiſe them ſo, Sir.

For would you prove one night my friend,
we'le get a young kid together
And you'd be gone e'er nine months end,
then where ſhould I find the Father?

Pray what would my Father ſay,
if I ſhould be ſo ſilly,
To throw maidenhead away,
and loſe my true love Billy.

O this would bring me to diſgrace,
and therefore I ſay you nay, Sir,
But if that you will me embrace,
firſt marry and then you may, Sir.

I told her I had married been
fourteen years and longer,
Elſe I'd chuſe you for my Queen,
and falten the knot ſtronger.

She bid me then no further roam,
but manage my wedloch fairly,
And keep the purſe for ſpouſe at home,
for ſome other would buy her barley.

Then as ſwift as any roe,
ſhe rode and left me;
And after her I could not go,
of joy ſhe quite bereſt me.