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Every body who has a seat in the Council of State is obliged to declare his opinion freely, to which the King shall attend; but it is left to the King to take a resolution according to his own judgment.

If any member of the Council of State should think the King's resolution inconsistent with the form of government or the laws of the Kingdom, or evidently prejudicial to the Kingdom, he shall be obliged to make forcible remonstrances against it and to insert his opinion in the register. He who has not thus protested shall be looked upon as being of the same opinion as the King and shall account for it in such a manner as shall be determined hereafter.

§. 33.

The counsellor of state who presides the department for foreign affairs shall have his own register wherein those matters shall be entered which are of such a kind as not to be laid before the assembled Council of State.

§. 34.

All Decrees and Ordinances of Government shall always be issued in the King's name.

§. 35.

All ordinances and official letters issued by the King, except matters concerning military orders, shall be countersigned by him who has exposed the matter pursuant to his