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occasioned by fire or by any other unforeseen or proveable misfortune.

§. 53.

The right of voting is forfeited

a) by having been condemned to work in a House of Correction, to the Slavery or to any infamous punishment;

b) by entering into the service of any foreign power without the consent of Government;

c) by acquiring burghership in a foreign state;

d) by being convinced of having bought votes, sold his own vote, or voted in more than one Elective Assembly.

§. 54.

The assizes of the Elective Assembly and those of the Districts are held every third year. The transactions shall be finished before the end of the month of December.

§. 55.

The Elective Assemblies are held in the country in the principal church of the parish, in the towns in the church, in the town-house, or at any other place convenient for that purpose. They are presided in the country by the parson and his coadjutors, in the towns by their Magistrates and Aldermen. The act of voting is performed in the order appointed in the register. Disputes concerning the right of voting are decided by the directors of the Assembly from whose judgment there may be appealed to the National Assembly.