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And Other Poems.


THANK you! I’ll drink no more with you;
  I’m a stranger here; it’s my turn to ‘shout’
Then I’ll be off—I’ve some work to do—
  But who is this Rogers they rave about?
What has he done to create such fuss?
  How has he caused such endless talk?
To use a slang phrase—‘Why is this thus?’
  Who is this Rogers, of Eaglehawk?”

“Tell him, Harry, for you were there
  Close to the mine, and you ought to know—
Listen mate, if you’ve time to spare,—
  You haven’t been long upon Bendiga?”
“It’s just a fortnight to-day, and yet,
  Although but a Sydney ‘Cornstalk,’
I’m very anxious to hear, you bet,
  The story of Rogers, of Eaglehawk.”

“Harken! stranger, to the story,
  Short it is, and to the point,
Some folks say we know no glory,
  For the times are out of joint;
I’m not larn’d in old romancing,
  I’m not vars’d in times gone by,
Days when errant knights went prancing,
  Fighting for a lady’s sigh,
Or her glove may-be, but stranger.
  Never ’neath the silver sun,
By the bravest knightly ranger,
  Was a nobler action done
Than the deed I’m going to dwell on;
  August, on the thirtieth day,—