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And Other Poems.

This is fierce Titiko Waru’s stronghold, and it must come down.
Hunt the rebels from their fastness; onward, lads for Queen and Crown!
“Onward, lads!” a storm of bullets whistles through the Rata trees,
And a yell of fierce defiance swells on the September breeze.
“Back, lads, back! the swarthy devils are invincible, ’tis vain;
We can’t storm the Pah, while bullets fall among us thick as rain;
Back, lads!” See the troops retreating with their wounded and their dead,
While the gallant Forest Rangers, with Von Tempsky at their head,
Fill the gory gap of danger, covering their friends’ retreat,
While Death’s leaden messengers continue flying sharp and fleet.
Safely hidden in the Ratas are the rebels; vanished hope
Leaves confusion close behind her; open courage cannot cope
With the foes who lie in ambush; chances of success are past.
“Under cover, comrades!” cries he, while exposed the leader stood,
Whizz’d the bullet, and the green grass turn’d to crimson with his blood,
As the gallant soldier’s spirit vanished from the soldier’s shell.
This is how the hero left us, this is how Von Tempsky fell.