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And Other Poems.


COME, harp of mine
      And let’s entwine
A love-wreath round thy chords so light;
        The storm-sprites rave
        O’er vault and grave.
The elements are drunk to-night;
        Behold the Lord’s
        Red flaming swords
Flash scabbardless across the clouds,
        And from the deep
        The sea-ghosts leap
Along the beach in snowy shrouds,
        Then sing with me
        A song of glee,
My soul is filled with wildest mirth:
        ’Tis just the time
        To chant and chime
The praise of our old Mother Earth

  Faithful harp, I feel thy strings
    Trembling as my fingers play,
  And the wailing wind that sings
    Through the crannies joins our lay;
  And methinks weird sprites on wings
    Hover round the house and say:
  “Death alone affection brings—
    True love lives in clay to clay.”

  Loving harp! the truth is told,
    Mother Earth is true and tried.
  In her bosom’s faithful fold
    Slumber soundly, side by side.