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And Other Poems.


SOME people think that women should
  Compete in life’s swift race
With men, and gain each privilege,
  Position, power, and place
Which he enjoys. I can’t agree
  With those progressive lights;
I’ll tell you what appears to me
  To be fair woman’s rights.

When passion’s young ecstatic fire
  First kindles in our veins,
’Tis woman’s right to bind our hearts
  In Cupid’s rosy chains;
She wields a queenly sceptre then,
  Which we must needs obey,
We’re building castles in the night
  And dreaming all the day.

’Tis woman’s right to be caressed
  When love is in the spring,
And when affection’s harvest comes,
  Her right it is to bring
The garnered fruits of happiness
  To cheer man’s dreary way,
To smooth his rougher nature,
  And refine his coarser clay.

’Tis woman’s right to wean us from
  Our selfishness and greed,
A counsellor in trouble and
  A faithful friend in need.