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Not Understood


LET Poley go with Redman; mind be careful of the steer;
Bring Bob and Rambler from the creek, they’ll find good picking here.
Just fling this she-oak on the fire; there, catch that end, now throw—
This ’minds me of our maiden trip to dear old Bendigo.

Old Bendigo; thy very name is treasured in my breast—
Just pass the billy this way, Jack. Not boiled yet! well I’m blest
If that there wood will ever burn; this ironbark is slow—
You knew the gully of that name on dear old Bendigo.

Oh, when we camped upon the track—that damper must be done—
Around the blazing log at night, what tough old yarns were spun
By Sydney Ned, and Derwent Bill, and Murrumbidgee Joe!
Where are they now? Ah, mate, they’ll drive no more to Bendigo.

I can’t help laughing when I think—old mate, just pass a chew
Of that ere time when Murphy’s team got bogged at Carlsruhe.
Big Barney Fagan shouted—whilst the wheels were bedding low—
“Faix, boys, there’s some deep sinkin’ on the road to Bendigo.”