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And Other Poems.


TEN years of sorrow and of glee
Have fled since first you met with me,
When mother asked you home to tea:
  You stayed until ’twas late, Jack,
And when you wished us all “Good night,”
To show you out I brought the light;
You caught my hand and pressed it tight
  While passing through the gate, Jack.

You came again, and when we met,
You said I was your darling pet,
You praised my hair and eyes of jet,
  And called me “Pretty Kate,” Jack,
At your approach, though Snap was dumb,
The cute old ’possum on the gum
Laughed loudly when he saw me come
  To meet you at the gate, Jack.

A month had scarcely died away,
When on a bright-faced summer’s day,
A coach and pair (the horses grey)—
  My heart retains the date, Jack—
Drove up the lane, and stopped before
The rose-bush hedge that faced our door.
And two light bosoms, brimming o’er
  With joy, passed through the gate, Jack.
And months of pleasure came and went,
And each new season brought content,
Three love-gifts unto us were sent;
  Our happiness was great, Jack.