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Not Understood


On the 21st of February, 1879, a colliery explosion took place at the Kaitangata Mines, by which thirty lives were sacrificed.

THE touch of God is on the chord which runs
  Through all humanity, from heart to heart;
The Hand Divine, that holds the stars and suns,
  Strikes on love’s string, and inner voices start,
Proclaiming we are each of each a part.

The Priest of Nature may expound this truth;
  Afflictions are but solemn lessons read
To mortals; Science still is in her youth—
  The living gain their knowledge through the dead;
  All human suff’ring points the road ahead.

It may be so; anon we’ll learn that text
  But now the widows’ and the orphans’ eyes
Are following from this life to the next
  Loved spirits torn away from dearest ties,
  And God to us is speaking through their cries.

He calls on us to succour those in need;
  We’re bound together in a common bond.
Faith’s purest action is a nobler deed;
  Hope’s truest anchor is a helping hand;
  Love is the key that opes the doors beyond.