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ballad—simplicity, lightness, and grace. The two first verses are worth quoting here—

Oh, did you not hear of Kate Kearney,
She lives on the banks of Killarney;
 From the glance of her eye,
 Shun danger and fly,
For fatal's the glance of Kate Kearney!

For that eye is so modestly beaming,
You ne'er think of mischief she's dreaming
 Yet, oh, I can tell
 How fatal' s the spell
That lurks in the eyes of Kate Kearney!

A serious crisis came when Mr. Owenson was compelled to fly from his creditors, and to leave his two little girls in lodgings at St. Andrew Street, under the care of faithful Molly. And now Sydney's independence of character and indomitable energy asserted themselves.

"I am resolved," she wrote to her "dearest sir, and most dear papa," "to relieve you and earn money for you, instead of spending the little you have for sometime to come … I have two novels nearly finished, the first is "St. Clair," I wrote it in imitation of Werther, which I read in school holidays last Christmas. The second is a French novel, suggested by reading Memoirs of